Thursday 2 June 2011

AWS on Facebook

The Community Development Workers are now on Facebook, see what they have planned

Wednesday 1 June 2011

AWS Summer Residential

Important Background Information:
1.1 The Royal British Legion (RBL) Poppy Adventure Breaks are residential experiences for young people from families with at least one parent currently serving or from the ex-service community. Adventure Breaks provide young people with accommodation on a full board basis with a complete range of activities. The break can provide children with a fantastic experience and provide parents with a well deserved break.
1.2 To be eligible for a break, participants must be between 8 – 17 years of age and meet at least one of the following RBL criteria:
·          From a household where the child has difficulty socialising, lacks confidence and self esteem.
·          Where the family have not had a holiday away from home in the last two (2) years.
·          From a family experiencing health or emotional difficulties, as a result of one of the parent’s service in the Armed Forces, prolonged separation, bereavement or break up of the family.
·          From a family experiencing, hardship and/or distress caused as a result of a family service member being deployed on overseas operations.
·          From a family where a parent is caring for a disabled parent or a child is caring for a disabled parent.

1.3 In recent years the breaks have been provided by a commercial adventure holiday company with individuals applying directly to the RBL. With immediate effect the RBL are redirecting some of their funding support to the Community Support section of the Army Welfare Service. RBL support will cover the cost of accommodation, activities and (if required) transport for Adventure Breaks that are organised and led by AWS Community Support staff.