Friday 1 April 2011

Notice to all occupants;

There has been a recent increase in reported and attempted burglaries in the Boroughbridge area and you are well advised to follow the basic security advice detailed below. If you are going away on holiday or visiting relatives please advise the Unit welfare office on 01423 321617 or if you are travelling at short notice please call the guardroom on 01423 321590. If you notice any suspicious behaviour or strangers in the area call the guardroom immediately, if you fear there is an intruder dial 999 immediately.

More than a third of all burglaries are crimes of opportunity, where the burglar enters through unlocked doors or windows. Keep your home secure.

Household Security
Ensure you lock all doors and windows, even when you are at home. If
no one is home during the evening, leave a light on and a radio playing.
Consider using a timing device.
Fit outside security lighting and an alarm, and ensure they are in
working order
Don't forget to turn them on when you are out and when you go
to bed
Don't leave ladders or garden tools lying around outside as they
can help thieves gain access to your property
Remember to lock all gates, sheds and garage door