Tuesday 28 February 2012

Extract from Part 1 Orders Pertaining to Dogs-28 Feb 12




9 Regt AAC is to provide Light Utility Helicopter force elements for
Operations and training in order to deliver operational aviation effect

551.   Dogs in the Work Place

The Commanding Officer has reviewed all the policies and procedures in relation to dogs in the work place and the Quartermaster has amended the current policies and procedures in terms of the Commanding Officers direction. Dogs are to be allowed back in the work place however, there is a new process in which all personnel who wish to obtain permission to have dog(s) in the work place are to follow.

Regardless if you have registered your dog(s) previously you are to follow the process described below before brining your dog(s) on to camp.

Step 1

You are to report in person to the QM (or in his absence LCpl Heatley) to receive a verbal brief on the policy and procedure for registration.  When you have been briefed you will be given a pack that will give details of what you need to obtain. When you have gathered all the registration documentation you are to return it to the Quartermaster.  Note: Your dog(s) are not permitted on camp at this point.

Step 2

When you have returned the required paperwork to the Quartermaster, it will be checked and permission sought from the Commanding Officer that he is happy for you to bring your dog(s) into the place of work requested. When this is complete done the QM’s department will create a poster for your work area, a registration pack and your dog registration card - an ID card that you must carry at all times when your dog is on camp. This will be done within 24hrs and you will be contacted when it is ready. 

When you physically have the dog registration card and pack you can bring your dog(s) on camp.  Failure to follow the above steps will result in you having your dog banned from camp indefinitely.

You are reminded that to have a dog in the work place is a privilege - not a right.

552.     Excessive Dog Fouling around Dishforth Camp and SFA

It has been reported through various channels that there has been unacceptable amount of dog fouling in and around the Dishforth Camp area - and in particular on North Hill and Boroughbridge road.  There are dog bins throughout the area and it is in the interest of community decency all dog owners carry bags with them to clean up after their dog(s).

As a result Harrogate Dog Control Officers will target the area through both highly visible and undercover patrols. They will put up dog fouling notices where necessary and give advice to dog walkers during such patrols. In order to assist the Dog Control Officers in targeting their patrols it would be helpful if you could provide any information on offenders such as their name, address, a description of their dog or particular times and locations where they walk the dog. Such information can be passed to the Dog Warden Service on 01423 556633.

Be aware that Dog Control Officers have the legal power to give out On the Spot Fines, you have been warned.