Tuesday 19 November 2013

National campaign to raise awareness of burglary 18-24 November 2013

North Yorkshire Police is backing a week-long, national campaign to raise awareness of burglary, the handling of stolen goods and the need for residents to be vigilant and take adequate crime prevention measures.   
Across the country police see an increase in burglaries during November and the run up to Christmas. Criminals know that homes will be full of desirable Christmas gifts and will take any opportunity to steal them.
Although huge progress has been made by the police and partner agencies over the past ten years with burglary down by 48% across England and Wales, it still presents daily challenges for the police service and causes great distress to victims.
In support of the campaign, throughout the week of 18 to 24 November 2013, North Yorkshire Police and local Community Safety Partnerships are holding a raft of initiatives across York and North Yorkshire including crime prevention road-shows, property marking sessions, advice surgeries, as well as distributing free security devices such as timer switches to vulnerable residents.
Assistant Chief Constable Paul Kennedy of North Yorkshire Police, said: “The targeting of your home, followed closely by the theft or damage of personal possessions often has devastating and lasting effect on homeowners, their family and the nearby community.  North Yorkshire and the City of York may have the lowest crime rate in the country but are not complacent and are committed to doing everything we can to prevent burglary and the movement of stolen goods.  Householders should not be complacent about their home security either. Even the most simplest  crime prevention measures go a long way in helping to deter crooks and reduce incidents. Locking your doors, investing in a light timer switch and hiding valuables out of sight will help deter an opportunist burglar." 
ACC Kennedy added: “This week is about highlighting the need for people to protect their belongings and asking residents to help us to help them. I urge as many people as possible to take full advantage of the free crime reduction initiatives going on around the county this week and to take heed of our crime prevention advice.”
Residents are also urged to be vigilant and report any suspicious people, vehicles or activity in their neighbourhood. You know your own neighbourhood and what looks right and what is out of place.

Many suspects have been arrested and crimes prevented by people acting on their instinct and calling in with information. Do not hesitate to call us and report anything suspicious on 101, if you see a crime in progress always call 999.