Monday 9 December 2013

Christmas stand down

9 Regt AAC Unit Welfare Office
Will be close between 20 Dec 13 – 06 Jan 14 for the Christmas Stand down in line with Regimental Stand down Policy . Should you require Welfare assistance over this period please call the duty number (Guardroom):
01423 321590
Below is some general guidance and contact numbers should you need them:
Property / housing issues – In ALL situations Modern Housing Solutions (MHS) should be called by Occupant on 0800 707 6000. Any situation regarding public services (bins, street lighting, pet fouling etc) is a local authority matter for Harrogate Borough Council.

Noise Complaints – are a civil matter. The complainant should request directly to the offender to reduce the noise levels in the first instance.  If the situation continues or escalates the Police may be called by the complainant but likely to be told to log the instances and report to the environmental health agency NYCC.

North Yorkshire Police        101

Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC)     01452 519951