Tuesday 11 January 2011

Service Childrens Educational Update

The Government have decided to include Service children in their plans for the pupil premium.  This fact was released in a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) before Christmas and further details are in the link below.  In short,
 · Service children, many of whose parents are risking their lives for their country, face unique challenges and stresses. The premium will provide extra funding to schools to assist with meeting these needs e.g. providing pastoral care.    
 · The funding is part of the pupil premium introduced in England from Apr 11.  The money will be paid to local authorities as a specific grant based on Jan 11 schools census figures for pupils in years from Reception to Year 11.  
 · For 2011-12, the pupil premium allocations will be based on the number of children recorded as eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) as at Jan 11.  This amounts to £430 per pupil eligible for FSM.  In addition a ‘Service Child’ recorded in the census will attract a further pupil premium of £200. 
 · Service parents and carers are encouraged to consider contacting their child(ren)’s state schools to ensure their child(ren) are registered as ‘Service Children’ before the census return date which is 20 Jan 11.  All ‘Service Children’ registered will maximise the  grants given to schools so that they can be better supported.  
· POC for more information: contact your local state school, county education authority or the DfE website or ring the Children’s Education Advisory Service who provide information and support to Service families and eligible MOD civilians on all aspects of the education of their children in the UK and overseas on 01980 618244.